
由HBRUCH著作·1967·被引用44次—Therageandterrorofthepopulationchangedtohorrorwhen.Wagnerconfessedthatduringthepre-cedingnighthehadquietlykilledhiswifeandfour.,TheCaseofWagner(German:DerFallWagner)isabookbythephilosopherFriedrichNietzsche,originallypublishedin1888.SubtitledAMusician's ...,EdwardJakeWagner,anex-boyfriendofvictimHannaRhodenandfatherofherthree-year-olddaughter,Sophia,pleadedguiltyto...

Mass Murder

由 H BRUCH 著作 · 1967 · 被引用 44 次 — The rage and terror of the population changed to horror when. Wagner confessed that during the pre- ceding night he had quietly killed his wife and four.

The Case of Wagner

The Case of Wagner (German: Der Fall Wagner) is a book by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, originally published in 1888. Subtitled A Musician's ...

Pike County shootings

Edward Jake Wagner, an ex-boyfriend of victim Hanna Rhoden and father of her three-year-old daughter, Sophia, pleaded guilty to all eight murders but admitted ...

What happened to the kids after the Pike County murders?

2023年11月27日 — George Wagner IV testified in his own defense in his fall 2022 trial in the Pike. Bulvine Wagner. Bulvine Wagner, the son of Wagner IV, was ...

Billy Wagner's 2024 murder trial will stay in Pike County

2023年11月20日 — The spring murder trial of George Billy Wagner III will stay in Pike County, with the judge in the case on Monday ruling against Wagner's ...

Pike County massacre

2023年8月30日 — George Billy Wagner is facing 22 charges in the 2016 slayings of eight family members in rural southeastern Ohio.

Life in prison

2022年12月19日 — He was found guilty on all 22 counts including eight for aggravated murder after a three-month-long trial that ended Nov. 30.

Jake Wagner pleads guilty to all charges and will testify ...

Jake Wagner was at the center of the case from the beginning because he had a child with Hanna Rhoden, and prosecutors have said the killings were all about ...

8 years since Pike County massacre

2024年4月22日 — In 2022, a jury found George Wagner guilty for his role in the crime, including eight aggravated murder charges. He was sentenced to life in ...